Merganser's Lieutenant
Dish passed three straight Senior Hunt Tests. Unfortunately,
we retired Dish from competition due to an orthopaedic
injury - unoperable sesamoid fracture to the right rear
Dish has been spayed and is no longer a part of our breeding
program. However, we have Merganser's Radar O'Reilly MH, WC (Dish's brother) and Int CH Merganser's Abram Tank MH (Dish's son).
Dish is enjoying her retirement as a spoiled beauty queen
living with Bill and Becky Conkling in Breckenridge, CO.
and is in training to become a certified service dog
for Becky.
Call Name: Dish
Color: Chocolate
DOB: 1/16/98
AKC#: SN509653/01
Hip OFA: LR-104900G26F-T (Good)
Elbow OFA: LR-EL10478-T (Normal)
Eye CERF: LR-21389/2003-61 and LR-21389/98-1